How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks Fast

Stretch marks are visible lines on the skin surface, with an off-color hue. Stretch marks are mainly found in the abdominal wall, but can also occur over the thighs, upper arms, buttocks and breasts. As skin is stretched, the collagen is weakened and its normal production cycle is interrupted and damaged. This ultimately results in fine scars under the top layer of the skin. Initially the marks look pink or red, but over time a thin, silvery line appears on the skin surface and a stretch mark is born. Stretch marks appear on the skin surface when someone grows quickly, or puts on weight quickly. Stretch marks can make you feel self-conscious and uncomfortable about your appearance. Fortunately, there are several natural ways to reduce the appearance of stretch marks. 1. Castor Oil Castor...

10 Best Home Remedies For Cough

Coughing is one of the most common health problems. When there is a blockage or irritant in your throat or upper air passages, your brain thinks a foreign element is present and tells your body to cough to remove that element. Coughing can also be due to a viral infection, common cold, flu, and smoking or health problems such as asthma, tuberculosis, and lung cancer. Some of the symptoms of a cough are itchy throat, chest pain, and congestion. Instead of using over-the-counter cough syrups, you can try some natural cough treatments using readily available ingredients in your kitchen. Here are the top 10 home remedies for a cough. 1. Turmeric The herb turmeric has a therapeutic effect on coughs, particularly a dry cough. Heat half a cup of water in a boiling pot. Add one...

20 Early Warning Signs That Cancer Is Growing In Your Body

Indirect Symptoms 1. Wheezing/shortness of breath Lung cancer patients remember noticing this as one of their first symptoms but didn’t initially connect it to cancer. 2. Frequent fevers or infections Frequently a sign of leukemia, a cancer of the blood cells that starts in bone marrow. It causes the marrow to produce abnormal white blood cells that hinder your body’s infection-fighting abilities. 3. Difficulty swallowing Most commonly associated with throat cancer, but can be a good indicator of lung cancer too. 4. Weakness and fatigue Such a common symptom of cancer that it should be looked at in combination with other symptoms to determine which it is. 5. Feeling full and unable to eat This is a sign of ovarian cancer. A loss of appetite even when you haven’t eaten for a while...

How To Get Rid Of Constipation - 7 Home Remedies For Constipation In Children

#1 Water: Make sure that your child is drinking enough water throughout the day to avoid symptoms of constipation. Most of the time dehydration can be a prime cause of constipation. If your child finds it difficult to pass stool or have missed passing stool in a day encourage your child to drink at least one and half litre of water throughout the day, to ensure smooth stool passage. You can also try warm water and lemon which is an excellent home remedy to aid digestion. Sipping glassful of warm water will also help in the same way.  #2 Whole fruits: One of the best ways to deal with constipation in children is to offer whole fruits that are rich in fibre content. Some fruits that can help beat constipation in younger children are: Bananas: They are packed with fibre and pectin that...

Cancer Fighting Foods - Top 10 Superfoods That Prevent Breast Cancer

[ Top 10 Superfoods That Prevent Breast Cancer] Link video: Here are the top 10 superfoods to prevent breast cancer. 1. Turmeric Turmeric contains a compound known as curcumin that can inhibit various types of cancer cells, such as breast, gastrointestinal, lung and skin cancer. 2. Salmon Salmon is an oily fish that contains a good amount of omega-3 fatty acids that slow the growth of cancerous tumors and boost the immune system. At the same time, salmon is a lean protein and a good source of vitamins B12 and D. All these elements provide your body with the nutrients required to regulate cell growth and prevent cancer. 3. Tomatoes A study published in the Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism indicates that a diet rich in tomatoes may help protect postmenopausal...

15 Simple Ways To Make Your Baby Smarter]

What's the best way to mentally stimulate your baby? It doesn't take a genius. Just a loving, involved parent. With some fun ideas and practical tips, you can help your baby be smart, intelligent and creative. Using everyday things and some smart parenting tips, you too can do just that. Here are 20 ideas for fun and simple things you can do to boost your baby's IQ. 1. READ A BOOK Even before babies can understand what you are reading, "They will associate reading with cuddling and love," Clinard says. Infants are especially drawn to books with real pictures, she adds. 2. CUDDLE AWAY Human brains are wired to seek safety, and if a baby's brain doesn't feel safe, it can't learn. The love and cuddling you give your baby can help establish her sense of security. "From the time a child is...

Pregnancy Diet - Top 11 Foods and Beverages to Avoid During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the most vital and delicate times in a woman’s life. Therefore, it is more important than ever to eat a healthy diet. This means paying attention to what you eat, and making sure to avoid harmful foods and beverages. Here are 11 foods and beverages to avoid or minimize during pregnancy. 1. High-Mercury Fish Pregnant women should not eat high-mercury fish more than 1–2 times each month. This includes shark, swordfish, tuna and mackerel. 2. Undercooked or Raw Fish Raw fish and shellfish can be contaminated with bacteria and parasites. Some of these can cause adverse health effects and harm both the mother and unborn baby. 3. Undercooked, Raw and Processed Meat  Raw or undercooked meat may contain harmful bacteria. As a general rule, meat should be cooked all the way...

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